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[Join Us]
  • Where: 2325 SW State St., Suite C, Ankeny, IA 50021
  • When: Sundays at 9:30am

What to expect: There is no dress code for our church, and we have a casual and informal environment for worship and dress code. Our members wear casual to business casual clothing, but you can dress in what feels most comfortable. We worship using two TV monitors at the front to follow along with the service, and our pastor will give cues for when to stand or sit. We hope these expectations were helpful to you. We want you to feel comfortable and welcome.

There is additional information below about the sacrament of communion and other frequently asked questions. If you have more questions about attending our worship service, please email us at Whether you are brand new to following Jesus or have been at it for a long time you will be challenged to grow in your relationship with God.

There is no dress code for our church, and we have a casual and informal environment for worship and dress code. Our members wear casual to business casual clothing, but you can dress in what feels most comfortable.

Communion: We practice communion using small individual cups of wine and a common cup of wine with an option for grape juice as well. We can also provide gluten free options for the bread, if you have additional health requirements, but please let the pastor know before the service. Jesus' true body and blood are truly present and distributed to those who join for communion. All four Scriptural accounts (Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:15-20; 1 Cor. 11:23-26) assert: "This is my body." "This is my blood of the covenant" (Matthew and Mark). "This cup is the new covenant in my blood" (Luke and Paul).

We practice close communion, which means that we want people to fully understand what communion is before receiving communion. "As St. Paul taught, those who receive the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner eat and drink to their harm and not their blessing. We would be unloving to commune those who would receive the Supper to their harm. Jesus gives His Supper as a blessing... Our church invites non-LCMS members to learn more about it so they may receive communion too." (Lutheran Witness, The Close Communion Conversation) Our pastor would love to visit with you about further instruction so that you can join us in communion.

Our services are about one hour. There is an optional time after the service to talk with those present over breakfast provided by our church members.

Our parking is located behind the building in a large parking lot for all the businesses who share our building. Our door is Suite C and has our name on it that can be seen from the parking lot. We share a lobby with C.H. Robinson, so upon entering, there is a second door on the left to enter our church space.

Our members arrive anywhere from 2-15 minutes early. If you would like to speak with our pastor before the service, arriving 10-15 minutes early is a great way to have time to introduce yourself. If you arrive late, please don’t feel embarrassed, we would still love for you to come in and join us.

Our pastor can talk with you about communion or general questions. Our members will also reach out before or after the service if you have any questions.

We never require anyone to give to our church. We also don’t pass around an offering plate either. We have an offering basket located at the back of the church for those who would like to give, and we have an option to give online through our website as well. Our offering goes towards the mission and ministry of Christ Lutheran Church.

Christ Lutheran is a Lutheran, LCMS church. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, also known as the Missouri Synod, is a traditional, confessional Lutheran denomination in the United States. For more information, please visit:

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